Workshop “Salvaguardia delle razze suine autoctone europee e valorizzazione delle produzioni locali di alta qualità”

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Workshop “Salvaguardia delle razze suine autoctone europee e valorizzazione delle produzioni locali di alta qualità”

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Date(s) - 09/09/2015
9:00 - 13:00

Scuola di Agraria: Aula Magna


The workshop co-financed by Tuscany Region and organized by Tuscan Food Quality Center in the framework of EXPO 2015 will take place on 9th September at Institute of Agriculture in Florence.

The meeting will get involved people with academic and research interests related to the protection of local pig breeds but it will give the opportunity to the international stakeholders in agro-food sector to network and to exchange best practices on the processing and preservation of local high quality products.


Partners Involved: UNIFI, INIA. On the following link you can have more details about the programme